Satu Malaysia jadikan budak ni bahan gelak! Lelaki Berang Guru Tularkan Video Murid Menangis Rindukan Ibu


What Happens to My Injury Claim or Settlements if I File for Bankruptcy in Florida?

Personal injuries and work injuries often create serious financial problems for people in the middle class. Sometimes their financial problems become so severe that the only way to get out from underneath the medically caused financial debt is to file for bankruptcy relief. In fact, more than 90 percent of medically related bankruptcies are caused by high medical bills. Another 8 percent are caused by loss of income due to a medical problem.

Often, although unmanageable medical bills and other unpaid bills are forcing an injured person into bankruptcy, the injured person is hoping to recover damages in a lawsuit award or settlement.
Lawsuit Claims Are Property of The Estate and Must Be Disclosed

Regardless of which type of bankruptcy chapter a person chooses, section 541(a) of the United States Bankruptcy Code requires that all of the individual’s property and every interest in any kind of asset becomes part of the bankruptcy estate when the bankruptcy is filed. This includes any lawsuit that has already been or that might be filed in the future.

The existence of any existing lawsuit or possible lawsuit must be disclosed on the Schedule B—Personal Property form. However, merely listing something on the personal property form does not mean that it will be “lost” in bankruptcy. Instead, the treatment of the lawsuit and how much, if any, of the lawsuit proceeds can be kept, depends on whether the person files for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

However, regardless of whether the person is filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, it is extremely important to list any present or possible future lawsuits as assets. Failing to list an asset, such as existing or possible personal injury or workers’ compensation lawsuits, can result in serious legal consequences.

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